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Thursday, April 6, 2023

PII Vault

A PII (Personally Identifiable Information) vault system is a secure way to store sensitive personal data, such as social security numbers, bank account numbers, and other identifying information. The system should be designed with security and privacy as the top priorities. Here are some key elements to consider in designing a PII vault system:

  1. Encryption: All PII data should be encrypted both in transit and at rest. This means that the data should be encrypted when it is being transmitted over the network and also when it is being stored in the vault.

  2. Access control: Access to the PII vault should be restricted to only authorized personnel who need access to the data. This can be achieved through role-based access control (RBAC) or other access control mechanisms.

  3. Authentication: Strong authentication mechanisms should be used to ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed to access the PII vault. This can include multi-factor authentication (MFA) and other authentication mechanisms.

  4. Monitoring: The PII vault system should have monitoring capabilities that can detect and alert on any suspicious activity, such as unauthorized access attempts or unusual data access patterns.

  5. Redundancy: The PII vault system should be designed with redundancy in mind to ensure that data is not lost in the event of hardware or software failure. This can include backup and disaster recovery mechanisms.

  6. Audit trails: The system should maintain an audit trail of all access to PII data, including who accessed the data and when. This can help with compliance requirements and also help with forensic investigations in case of a breach.

  7. Compliance: The system should be designed with regulatory compliance in mind. This can include compliance with data privacy laws, such as GDPR and CCPA, as well as compliance with industry-specific regulations, such as HIPAA for healthcare data.

Overall, a PII vault system should be designed with security, privacy, and compliance as top priorities. By implementing the above elements, organizations can ensure that sensitive personal data is stored securely and accessed only by authorized personnel 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

AI-powered Fraud Detection System

 An AI-powered fraud detection system for fintech companies could be a valuable solution for detecting and preventing fraudulent activities such as money laundering, identity theft, and other types of financial fraud. The system would use machine learning algorithms to analyze large amounts of data from various sources such as transactions, user behavior patterns, and historical data to identify any suspicious activities.

The system would use natural language processing and image recognition to analyze unstructured data such as emails, social media posts, and images to identify any possible fraud attempts. It could also use predictive modeling techniques to identify potential fraudulent activities based on past trends and patterns.

The system could be integrated with existing fintech platforms and would work in real-time to provide alerts and notifications to the relevant stakeholders. This would enable companies to take immediate action to prevent any potential fraud attempts and protect their customers' financial assets.

Overall, an AI-powered fraud detection system would be a valuable tool for fintech companies to help them prevent financial fraud and protect their customers' financial assets.

A fraud detection system powered by AI involves several components and processes that work together to detect and prevent fraudulent activities. Here's a high-level system design for an AI-powered fraud detection system:

  1. Data Ingestion: The first step in building a fraud detection system is to ingest data from various sources, including transaction logs, customer data, and historical data. Data is collected from various sources in real-time, making it easier to identify and analyze fraud patterns.

  2. Data Preprocessing: After collecting the data, it needs to be preprocessed to extract meaningful features and attributes that can be used to detect fraudulent activities. This includes cleaning, transformation, and normalization of the data.

  3. Feature Engineering: In this step, features are extracted from the preprocessed data that can be used to train the machine learning models. These features could include transaction amounts, transaction frequency, transaction location, IP address, and other customer-specific attributes.

  4. Machine Learning Models: Machine learning models are used to detect fraudulent activities based on the features extracted in the previous step. Several machine learning algorithms can be used, including logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, and neural networks. The models are trained on historical data, and new data is continuously fed into the models to keep them updated.

  5. Real-time Fraud Detection: Once the machine learning models are trained, they are deployed to detect fraudulent activities in real-time. This is done by scoring incoming transactions against the trained models, and if a transaction is flagged as suspicious, an alert is sent to the fraud detection team.

  6. Alert Management: The fraud detection team receives alerts of suspicious activities and reviews them to determine if they are fraudulent or legitimate. If the activity is fraudulent, appropriate action is taken, which could include blocking the transaction or contacting the customer to verify the activity.

  7. Model Monitoring: The machine learning models need to be monitored continuously to ensure their accuracy and effectiveness. The models need to be updated regularly based on the feedback from the fraud detection team and new data.

  8. Reporting and Analytics: The system generates reports and analytics on the fraud detection activities, including the number of fraudulent activities detected, the types of fraud, and the effectiveness of the system. These reports help to improve the system's accuracy and identify areas for improvement.

Overall, an AI-powered fraud detection system involves a complex set of processes and technologies working together to detect and prevent fraudulent activities in real-time.

Design a system for a parking lot where drivers can also have memberships (but also support guest drivers). The parking lot has counter screens on each row.

Here is a high-level system design for a parking lot with support for memberships and guest drivers:

User Interface:

  • Web/Mobile App for drivers to book parking slots.
  • Counter screens on each row to display the number of available slots and directions to empty slots.
  • Membership management portal for managing user accounts and parking reservations.

Backend System:

  • Database to store information about available parking slots, their occupancy status, and user accounts.
  • RESTful API to handle requests from the user interface and respond with relevant data.
  • Membership management system for managing user accounts, payment processing, and reservation history.

Algorithms and Data Structures:

  • Use a Hash Table to store the parking slots, where the key is the slot number, and the value is the status of the slot (empty/occupied).
  • Use a Queue to keep track of the reservations for each parking slot, where the first reservation in the queue is the one that gets the slot when it becomes available.
  • Use a Priority Queue to keep track of the reservations for the premium parking slots, where the priority is based on the membership level of the user.


  • When a driver enters the parking lot, they can either book a parking slot using the app or go to the counter screens to check for availability and book a slot.
  • The app/counter screens show the number of available slots in each row, and the driver can select a row and a slot.
  • If the selected slot is available, the driver is given a confirmation, and the slot is marked as occupied in the Hash Table.
  • If the selected slot is not available, the driver is given the option to join the reservation queue for the slot.
  • When a slot becomes available, the system checks the reservation queues for that slot and assigns the slot to the first reservation in the queue.
  • If the first reservation in the queue has a premium membership, they get the slot. Otherwise, the slot is assigned to the first reservation in the regular queue.
  • When a driver leaves the parking lot, the slot is marked as empty in the Hash Table, and the reservation queues are updated accordingly.

Membership System:

  • Users can create an account on the membership management portal and choose a membership plan (e.g., Premium, Standard, Basic).
  • Members can reserve parking slots in advance and get priority access to premium parking slots.
  • Members can also view their reservation history, update their membership plan, and make payments for parking reservations.

Architecture diagram 


            |                       |

            |  Parking Lot Entrance  |

            |                       |






            |                       |

            |   License Plate Input  |

            |                       |






            |                       |

            |   Ticket Dispenser     |

            |                       |






            |                       |

            |   Parking Area        |

            |                       |






            |                       |

            |   Payment Station     |

            |                       |






            |                       |

            |   Exit Barrier        |

            |                       |


The Parking Lot Entrance is where drivers enter the parking lot. They input their license plate number using the License Plate Input system, which is used to identify their vehicle. The Ticket Dispenser issues a ticket to the driver, which is used to pay for their parking.

The Parking Area is where the cars are parked. There are counter screens on each row of the parking area that show the number of available parking spots.

The Payment Station is where drivers pay for their parking. They can pay using a credit card or cash. Once payment is received, the driver can exit the parking lot through the Exit Barrier.

The system also supports memberships for regular drivers. Members can enter and exit the parking lot without paying, and their membership is identified using their license plate number.

The architecture is designed to support a large number of drivers and transactions, with the ability to scale horizontally by adding more Payment Stations and Entrance/Exit Barriers as needed.

 Here is a possible schema design for the parking lot system:

Users Table

  • id (primary key)
  • name
  • email
  • password
  • membership_type (can be null if not a member)
  • membership_start_date (can be null if not a member)
  • membership_end_date (can be null if not a member)

Parking Spots Table

  • id (primary key)
  • spot_number
  • floor_number
  • is_available
  • is_membership_only (if true, only members can park in the spot)

Parking Reservations Table

  • id (primary key)
  • user_id (foreign key to Users table)
  • parking_spot_id (foreign key to Parking Spots table)
  • reservation_start_time
  • reservation_end_time
  • is_cancelled

With this schema, you can track users, parking spots, and parking reservations. To check availability of parking spots, you can query the Parking Spots table and filter by is_available and is_membership_only as needed. To reserve a parking spot, you can insert a new row into the Parking Reservations table. To check if a user has a valid membership, you can check the membership_start_date and membership_end_date fields in the Users table.

To display parking spot availability on counter screens, you could create a view that joins the Parking Spots and Parking Reservations tables and groups by floor_number and spot_number, showing the availability status for each spot on the relevant counter screen.

Types of extension available in google ads

There are several types of extensions available in Google Ads, including:

  • Sitelink Extensions: These extensions allow advertisers to add additional links to their ads, directing users to specific pages on their website.
  • Callout Extensions: Callout extensions allow advertisers to highlight specific attributes of their products or services, such as free shipping or 24/7 customer support.
  • Structured Snippet Extensions: These extensions allow advertisers to highlight specific aspects of their products or services in a structured format.
  • Location Extensions: Location extensions allow advertisers to include their business address and phone number in their ads, making it easier for customers to find and contact them.
  • Affiliate Location Extensions: These extensions allow advertisers to promote nearby retail chain stores that sell their products.
  • Call Extensions: Call extensions allow advertisers to include a clickable phone number in their ads, making it easy for users to call them directly from their mobile device.
  • Message Extensions: These extensions allow advertisers to add a message button to their ads, which users can click to send a text message directly to the advertiser.
  • Price Extensions: Price extensions allow advertisers to display prices for their products or services directly within their ads.
  • App Extensions: App extensions allow advertisers to promote their mobile app by including a link to download the app in their ads.
  • Promotion Extensions: These extensions allow advertisers to promote special offers or discounts within their ads. 

Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of digital marketing campaigns

  1. Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of digital marketing campaigns is crucial to determine the success of a campaign and optimize future marketing efforts. Here are some effective strategies for measuring the ROI of digital marketing campaigns:
  2. Set clear and measurable goals: Before launching a campaign, it is essential to define clear, specific, and measurable goals that align with your overall business objectives. This will make it easier to measure the ROI of the campaign and determine its effectiveness.
  3. Use analytics tools: Analytics tools such as Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics provide valuable insights into the performance of your campaigns. You can track metrics such as website traffic, click-through rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated to measure the ROI of your campaigns.
  4. Track conversions: Conversion tracking is essential to measure the ROI of digital marketing campaigns accurately. Set up conversion tracking to track actions that users take on your website, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.
  5. Calculate customer lifetime value: Customer lifetime value (CLV) is the total amount of revenue a customer generates for your business over their lifetime. By calculating CLV, you can measure the long-term ROI of your marketing campaigns.
  6. Conduct A/B testing: A/B testing allows you to test different variations of your campaigns to determine which performs better. By measuring the results of A/B tests, you can optimize your campaigns to improve ROI.
  7. Use attribution modeling: Attribution modeling is the process of assigning credit to different touchpoints in a customer's journey that led to a conversion. By using attribution modeling, you can determine which channels and tactics are driving the most conversions and adjust your marketing budget accordingly.
  8. Evaluate the cost of customer acquisition: Calculate the cost of customer acquisition (CAC) to determine how much it costs your business to acquire a new customer. By comparing the CAC to the CLV, you can determine the ROI of your marketing campaigns.
  9. Overall, measuring the ROI of digital marketing campaigns requires a combination of tools, strategies, and analytics. By setting clear goals, using analytics tools, tracking conversions, calculating CLV, conducting A/B testing, using attribution modeling, and evaluating the cost of customer acquisition, you can measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and optimize your marketing efforts to achieve better results.


Sunday, May 26, 2019

Node.js vs Go Comparison Table

Node.js vs Go Comparison Table

The primary Comparison between Node.js vs Go are discussed below:
The basis of comparison Between Node.js vs Go
PerformanceAs Node.js is based on JavsScript which is interpreted language is generally slower than compiled languages. But in real life Go and Node.js provides satisfactory results as overall performance will be affected by so many factors.Go gives a good raw performance for CPU and memory-bounded tasks as it is based on C language which is good at performance. So Go is the real winner in terms of performance.
ConcurrencyNode.js is a single threaded and uses event-callback mechanism. So we can’t achieve concurrency using it.Go language uses goroutines and lightweight thread communication mechanism to achieve concurrency as it is elegant and seamless due to channels.
ScalabilityNode.js is weaker in terms of achieving the parallel process for large projects as it uses event callback mechanism though it will get done a job for smaller projectsWhereas Go has “goroutines” which is a big advantage as they handle parallel threads very effectively. In general parallel tasks will be complex but with Go, we can do simply.
Tools for DevelopersNode.js has so many tools available for developers to develop every possible application as we have platforms, examples, and libraries.As Go is a new language, it has good libraries and packages to use but comparatively, with node.js it has less tool as a developer will do more programming work.
Error HandlingNode.js uses “catch/throw” mechanism for error handling as errors will catch immediately after the occurrence and familiar among developers. But in last final application will be sub-optimalGo language uses explicit error handling as error codes return after program flow completes – which is a difficult process but gives reliable application with consistency.
Learning CurveNode.js has a lot of resources available both online and offline as it is the most popular programming language with huge developer communities by which we can assistance while learningWhereas Go has very few resources for learning as it is a new language we need to follow specific rules, concepts to learn and clear doubts. As Go is backend language we need to use JavaScript for the frontend.
Developers availabilityNode.js has a lot of developers as it is a popular language for web development. We can easily form a team with a different level of Node.js knowledge people.Whereas Go, we have very fewer developers as it is a new programming language. Still many are learning as resources also minimal. Forming a team with Go developers is a difficult task.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

When does the beneficiary get the credit for a RTGS/NEFT payment?

Under normal circumstances the beneficiary Bank branch receives the funds in real time as soon as funds are transferred by the remitting Bank. The beneficiary Bank has to credit the beneficiary's account within two hours of receiving the funds transfer message.

NEFT operates in hourly batches. Currently there are twelve settlements from 8 am to 7 pm on week days. Therefore, the beneficiary can expect to get the credit for the transactions put through between 8 am to 5 pm on weekdays on the same day. For transactions settled in the 6 and 7 pm batches on week days, the credit will be afforded either on the same day or on the next working day


Thanks & Regards
Manish Kumar

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

My first cover letter

Dear Sir,

I am Manish Kumar, and have pursued my Masters of Computer Application(2006-09) from Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar university, Lucknow. I have carried out my dissertation work entitled "Word sense Disambiguation in Machine Translation System MaTra" at the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Mumbai. I have undergone extensive training in J2EE technology from HPES at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur and have successfully developed various web applications. I have an understanding of resources related to web mining. Various tools include Semcor (Sense Annotated Corpus), Wordnet (Online Dictionary), HTML parsers and XML-parsers.

Also, I am aware of the fundamental of cross-lingual information retrieval. I am capable of handling several RDBMS packages (both proprietary and open source) on different platforms.

With regard to the above mentioned know-how and expertise, I would like to present before you my candidature for the appropriate position.


Thanks & Regards
Manish Kumar

Monday, November 9, 2015

How to pin STS icon to the unity launcher

First, create a .desktop file to eclipse:

gedit ~/.local/share/applications/opt_eclipse.desktop  

Then, paste this inside (dont forget to edit Exec and Icon values):

[Desktop Entry]  Type=Application  Name=Eclipse  Comment=Eclipse Integrated Development Environment  Icon=/home/manish/sts-3.7.1.RELEASE/icon.xpm **  Exec=/home/manish/sts-3.7.1.RELEASE/STS  Terminal=false  Categories=Development;IDE;Java;  StartupWMClass=Eclipse  

After that, open that folder with nautilus:

nautilus ~/.local/share/applications  

If you want to use this launcher outside dash/launcher (ex: as a desktop launcher) you need to add execution permission by right clicking the file and choosing Properties -> Permissions -> Allow execution, or, via the command-line:

chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/opt_eclipse.desktop  

Finally drop opt_eclipse.desktop to launcher.


Thanks & Regards
Manish Kumar

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ubuntu version

root@manish:/etc/init.d# uname -mrs
Linux 3.13.0-52-generic x86_64
root@manish:/etc/init.d# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS
Release: 12.04
Codename: precise

Thanks & Regards
Manish Kumar

Sunday, February 15, 2015

How to avoid NullPointerExceptions.

NullPointerExceptions -

  1. Call equals() and equalsIgnoreCase() method on known String literal rather unknown object -
    Object unknownObject = null;

    //wrong way - may cause NullPointerException
       System.err.println("This may result in NullPointerException if unknownObject is null");

    //right way - avoid NullPointerException even if unknownObject is null
        System.err.println("better coding avoided NullPointerException");

  2. Prefer valueOf() over toString() where both return same result
    BigDecimal bd = getPrice();
    System.out.println(String.valueOf(bd)); //doesn't throw NPE
    System.out.println(bd.toString()); //throws "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException"
  3. Using null safe methods and libraries -
    //StringUtils methods are null safe, they don't throw NullPointerException


  4. Avoid returning null from method, instead return empty collection or empty array (This Java best practice or tips is also mentioned by Joshua Bloch in his book Effective Java) -
    public List getOrders(Customer customer){
       List result = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
       return result;


Thanks & Regards
Manish Kumar